Friday, December 19, 2008

I Want a Miracle for Christmas!

Christmas is less than a week away and the closer it gets the more emotional I am seeming to get. The actual thoughts that this could be my last Christmas with my dad is very painful. I love my dad more than you could imagine but the pain is not so much for me as it is for my children. I drove by my parents house the other day and let Emma out to go see Papa for a second. She ran in and straight to her Papa. He picked her up and she just hugged him and then just layed there with her head rested against his chest. Dad and I kinda of looked at each other and I could tell we were both holding back tears. Emma loves and adores her Papa and I long for him to watch her and Luke grow. Wednesday night was our church's Christmas program and as I looked around at all the parents and grandparents taking pictures of the little ones, I again felt the nauseating feeling that dad might never get to see Emma or Luke up there. Then it hit me, after several people had asked what I wanted for Christmas (and me replying nothing b/c presents this year just don't seem to matter) I realized what I do want for Christmas. I want a Christmas miracle! You may say, "Well that only happens in the movies." But Christmas is about Jesus, who walked this Earth performing miracles over and over. So I say it can happen! So this Christmas join me in praying that God will heal my father and perform that miracle that we are so believing in.

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