Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

Luke on his first riding toy.

Luke loves his Papa!

Papa loving on Luke.

This is Luke's first present on his first Christmas. I tried to put the pictures in order but they got reversed, so that's why this is the last picture.
Christmas 2008 was so much fun. We woke up at our house and opened presents, then went to my parent's house for breakfast, then to Eric's parents for lunch, then back to my parent's for dinner.
Dad seemed to enjoy his day but by the evening he was visibly worn out. I won't lie, with as much fun as I had, it was still a very emotional day. But again I must express how wonderful our God is. He helped dad feel well enough to be a part of all the Christmas fun, which is all we really wanted. We have lots of good pictures to remember the day by and lots of good memories.


LoriGrauso said...

Dear Laura;

Those are very cute pictures of everyone! I am so glad that Doug was able to enjoy his children and grandchildren. I also think it so "great" of all the "cool guys" to shave their heads in support.

We will continue to pray and I really praise you and Eric for keeping God in all your postings. You don't know how much this means to us all. I am so proud that you remain optimistic through all of this. I have heard that not only helps your family but it will show Doug that you are steadfast in believing for a miracle.

God can and will and has performed miracles and I am praying for one for Doug.

We will continue our prayers and we love you all very much!

Aunt Loretta

laughing all the way said...

Dear Laura,
Great pics! Tell Emma I want to play with her tinkerbell and doll houses with her.
God shines thru your words and insights. You are awesome!
Love and hugs,